Oct.12th, 2011, Patty Chen was invited to talk at NEU & Boston College & Northeastern Univ.

10月12日2011, 陈艺平应邀到东北大学和波士顿学院演讲

(Jia Hu edited 胡佳稿)


On March 29th, Patty Chen had been invited to Northeastern University,  On Oct 12th, Patty Chen was also invited to give a presentation by Boston College Chinese Students and Scholars Association. After a brief introduction by the CSSA host, Patty talked about her life and career in the US. The first topic was about how students stay temporarily or permanently in the USA in terms of visas and jobs. Patty also talked about how students are involved deeply in the USA society in terms of language and culture. In the end, Patty spoke about credit card use, car use and real estate purchasing and investments in US. The students were very satisfied with all the questions that had been answered. Patty had also given some gifts to the students. The speech ended with a warm applause.


继3月29日应邀在东北大学中国学生学者联谊会演讲后,10月12日,陈艺平(Patty Chen)又应邀到波士顿学院中国学生学者联谊会演讲。在主持人简要介绍Patty后,她开始谈论美国的生活和职业生涯。Patty谈论的第一个主题是关于新生如何暂时或永久留在美国的签证和工作方面的问题。Patty还谈到如何在语言和文化方面融入美国社会。第三个主题是关于在美国如何使用信用卡,购买汽车,购买房地产以及在美国投资。学生们非常满意Patty 解答了所有的问题。Patty 还给学生发放了礼品。最后大家以热烈的掌声结束了Patty的这次演说。