2012年 3月,胡润百富专访
美亚商旅波士顿Patt yC
Hurun Report has interviewed and published PattyC Group’s achievements and services in the areas of Real Estate Investment and Serving Chinese Students in the US. The two full pages of the special reports are being published in the May 2012 issue of Hurun Report Magazine and in the April 2012 issue of Best of US Education Magazine.
Hurun Report, founded the China Rich List, is a leading luxury publishing and event group, comprising of magazines and active events. The businesses target at China’s high net worth individuals. “People often aren’t considered truly rich until anointed by Hurun Report…” by Wall Street Journal, Jan 2008
胡润百富以一个更了解中国富豪,更能体现中国富豪财富品质的公司, 见证企业家从善于创造财富,逐渐懂得如何运用财富引领由富及贵的格调。胡润百富关注中国高端人群的财富品质和生活格调,包括艺术品收藏、慈善事业、奢华旅游目的地,和海外留学教育等信息,以及推荐介绍各类新贵生活方式。胡润富豪榜在国内国际认可度最高.
Hurun Wealth Report Interview with Patty Chen
– Working with Passion
AABT-Boston Group’s business is very broad,including real estate, education, and business travel. However, according to PattyC Property Group CEO Patty Chen, she did just one thing – providing a full range of personalized services for Chinese people
Q: AABT has done many creative businesses: the first company to promote Chinese and American entrepreneurs’ cooperation, the first company to provide the best services in real estate investment and the field of education and so on. Why did you help more Chinese people enter the “recognize th
A: In fact, when we founded PattyC Property rea
Q: Since AABT was founded in 2007, it has be
A: I think the most successful business we have done is still in real estate investment, green card, etc.related projects. While talking about this process, Thing thing that makes me the proudest is that I win many families’ trust. For example, if a Chinese family d
Q: In terms of the Chinese students your have contacted with, which part of United States, or American Education attracts them most?
A: As far as I know, they think American education style will let them have more space to develop their own interests and potential. Unlike Chinese education, which the purpose to study is to study, not for their interests or their future like it is here in the USA.
Q: There are many student agencies that organize US travel, that include U.S. summer camp, campus visiting and othe
A: I think the quality is the main differences. As far as I know, with some Chinese travel agencies one visit can bring more than 1000 people, but in their program, the children don’t get what they want. But our program will make kids reluctant to leave. We intertwine Chinese and American students in learning atmospheres and accommodations, after a while, the Chinese students can speak English with the American students! Moreover, our visit to Universities is not simply to visit the campus, but to also learn from experienced teachers how to apply to it. After the summer camp, we will issue graduation certificates to students, which is a valid certificate for them to apply for U.S. schools. Finally, it is worth mentioning that, our cost is not high, one day is less than 200 dollars, including all the costs, accommodation, transport, curricular activities fees, and insurance
Q: AABT covers investment, real estate, education, business, travel, etc., in the near future, will it explore and develop all these fields or focus on a particular area? Why?
A: AABT will still emphasize on the part of