Sep. 2010, Patty Chen president attended the China-US Forum in Boston, met with Minister of Chinese Ministry of Commerce -Wang Chao September , 2010 陳藝平总裁在波士顿出席中美科技論壇,会见中國商務部付部長王超

The fifty top executives of thirty companies from China led by Vice Minister of Commerce Wang Chao, visited to Boston in Sep.18th for the Chinese trade and investment promotion missions. The vice Minister Wang spoke at “Sino-US Science and Technology Innovation and Development Forum” held by the Massachusetts Office of International Trade (MOITI), to enhance the development of Sino-US economic and trade relations between the two countries and promote cooperation, and invited Massachusetts people to Beijing to attend the “Green Industry Expo.” At Nov.24-27th, 2010.

由來自三十多家公司的五十多名高層主管組成的由中國商務部副部長王超率領的中國貿易投資促進團,十八日访问了波士頓.副 部長王超為該部與麻州國際貿易辦公室(MOITI)等合作的「中美科技創新與發展論壇」發表演講,加强發展中美兩國之間的經貿關係和促進合作,并邀请麻州 各界十一月廿四至廿七日,到北京參加「綠色產業博覽會」。

Reference 参考文献:

(左 起) Mass Insight Education董事長Bill Gunther、麻省理工學院人才論壇前任主席段可、MOITI中國部主任吳曉雲、MOITI主任Ted Carr、大唐環球技術朱順利、派蒂克房地产集团总裁陳藝平、行者集團太陽能董事長馬昕、熊貓園(Panda Land)王卓、中國德集團董事長陳奮等人在「中美科技創新與發展論壇」會後合影。(菊子攝)

Vice Minister of Chinese Ministry of Commerce -Wang Chao

Vice Minister of Chinese Ministry of Commerce -Wang Chao spoke at the meeting.