Aug. 2021, Massachusetts sees biggest single-month job gains of 2021; Amazon has 4 times more Mass. job openings than anyone else, state data shows
2021年7月, 马萨诸塞州 2021 年单月就业增幅最大; 州数据显示,亚马逊的大规模职位聘请是其他任何公司的 4 倍
June 2021, Celebrating PattyC Property Group- Our Company 20th Anniversary !!!
2021年6月, 庆祝 派蒂克房地产公司/美亚商旅-波士顿 本公司成立20周年 !!!
April 2021, Apartment-style Hotel Market Expectation Surges with Rising Demand and Changing Trends
2021年4月, 随着需求的增长和趋势的变化,公寓式酒店市场的期望值不断上升
August 2020, What Will The Pandemic’s Impact Be On The Real Estate Market?
The pandemic has already caused a mini-exodus out of New York City, and with lower taxes, lower interest rates, and — for the wealthiest among us — higher earnings thanks to stock market gains and some helpful bailouts, the housing market is roaring outside of urban America.
What will be the impact on real estate here, once the pandemic is finally in the rear view mirror?
That’s a question UBS real estate analyst Jonathan Woloshin took to task in an August 28th note to clients titled “Covid and real estate: a simple question with a complex answer.”…