Feb. 2011, 150 Chinese Entrepreneurs visited the USA seeking investment opportunities

2011年 2月,  150名中国商界领袖美国行

From February 9th, 2011for two weeks, the Chinese Entrepreneurs visit Harvard University and the United States, an unprecedented event coordinated by the Huatuo CEO Forum lead by Mr. Yan Jiehe bringing over 150 Chinese Entrepreneurs with an estimated economic power of more than 50 billion RMB. PattyC Property Group have partially organized the trip since 13 months ago.

Arriving first in New York City for a talk with President Bill Clinton followed by a performance by Peter Buffet, they stopped briefly at West Point and then on to a two day conference at Harvard University involving some of the top minds in economic and business theory from China and America. Following this conference, they traveled to Las Vegas and on to California, where they are organizing information sessions and meetings to learn more about investment opportunities in America.

The Huatuo CEO Forum have been successfully held on Sat. & Sun., Feb.12-13, 2011 at Harvard Kennedy School. All the Guest speakers were top-notch well respected professionals. They are ranging from Nobel Prize recipiant, Real Estate Developers, Financial Professionals, Successful entrepreneurs and Bankers. Topics were both educational and informative. The leader of the 150 Chinese Entrepreneurs, Mr. Yan Jiehe’s speeches were very powerful, passionate and motivational. The 150 Chinese Entrepreneurs were impressed on how well the event ran and were very appreciative of the opportunities presented in the Forum. Mr. Yan hinted, that an event run as well as this one, can quite possible achievable to bring in 500 more Chinese Entrepreneurs for next year!

We are also very happy with the event. Many Chinese Entrepreneurs express strong interest in real estate investment in the USA. Many of them also first learned and are excited about the Real Estate EB-5 Investment opportunity and Youth Summer School programs. PattyC Property Group has also invited and networked with some very good Real Estate investment partners for the event, such as Mr.Harold Brown, president of the Hamilton Company. Hamilton Company is one of the largest Real Estate Develop company in New England; Mr.David Lindahl(The Lindahl Group), a famous real estate investor and educator, and Mr. Ori Ron (Hudson Group ), a famous Boston local real estate developer specialized in urban real estate development.

It will be an exciting year for the PattyC Property Group. Many business opportunities are around. Our programs are very well covered for all of our clients’ needs. www.pattycproperty.com email: Office@pattycproperty.com

由华佗论箭智慧国际集团首席专家严介和先生率领的中国商界领袖美国行, 从2月9日起两周,参观考察了纽约、西点军校、波士顿、哈佛大学、拉斯维加斯、洛杉矶等美国城市、著名学府。本次访问旨在促进中美两国文化交流、促进中美 企业家的合作与共赢. 美国派蒂克房地产投资集团(PattyC Property Group) 协助经过13个月的准备,终于迎来了此团访问美国。

这个近200人的庞大代表团,都是来自全国各地的行业领袖与精英,在各自的领域中都享有盛誉。知名企业家有太平洋建设集团董事局主席黄新忠, 天津津保振兴建筑工程有限公司董事长贾喜安,广东新明珠陶瓷集团有限公司董事长蒋文凯,北京柏利德科技发展有限公司董事长唐海林,河南鸿业集团董事长孙改 名,重庆市志航公司董事长湛红兵,北京弘正建设集团有限公司董事长刘会等。代表团在美国期间受到当地各界人士的高度重视。

美国前总统柯林顿9日在纽约接待欢迎代表团, 并举行了首日论坛。12日至13日代表团在波士顿的哈佛大学与来自美国的政界、商界、学术界的领袖人物进行面对面对话与交流,并在哈佛大学举行了首届“哈 佛中美商界领袖年会”。 与这些企业家直接对话的美国嘉宾有哈佛大学著名房地产及金融学教授爱德华•摩骧特,2006年诺贝尔医学奖获得者克雷格•C•梅洛博士Craig Mello、美国波士顿汉密尔顿房地产公司总裁哈罗德•布朗,欧美同学会副会长王辉耀等各界大师。在会上,许多企业家都对在美国投资经商感兴趣,特别是对 美国房地产的投资。 房地产大亨布朗先生说道: “美国的房地产刚从低谷走出,现在是买美国房地产的好机会。投资时一定要找可信的房产商或合作伙伴以减少投资风险” 。总部在波士顿的派蒂克房地产投资集团对投资美国的房地产很有经验, 派蒂克房地产投资集团与纽英伦地区最大,最有名的房地产公司有合作关系,如Mr.Harold Brown’s Hamilton Company汉密尔顿公司, 大伟.林道尔 Mr.David Lindahl’s The Lindahl Group,欧日.让Mr.Ori Ron’s Hudson Group 等。请参看网站: http://business.sohu.com/s2011/harvardsmeannual1/

派蒂克房地产投资集团专门为中国企业家来美投资,经商,移民,子女读书,商业旅游等提供全套服务。 该集团办理EB5移民, 房地产投资, 子女来美读书,夏令营,冬令营和美国商务考察旅游, 是一个能综合美国和中国的优势于一体的大规模的公司。 请参看网站www.pattycproperty.com 或电邮Office@pattycproperty.com