August 24th, 2011 Design and Building for the Lake Front Property

2011年 8月,房产湖滨物业未来的设计和建设


from R: Nader T. Dean of MIT; Doreve N. owner of Nicholaef Architecture firm;  Patty Chen,president PattyC Property; property developer ;  Lorne McDougall, Lawyer of EAPD LLP
从右 :麻省理工学院建筑设计院主任纳德据特哈尼(Nader Tehrani); 尼克拉夫建设计公司的 老板 一夫尼克拉夫(Doreve Nicholaeff); 总裁陈艺平, 公司开发商; 律师事务所的合伙人洛恩麦克杜格尔

 (Jia Hu edited 胡佳稿)

On August 24th, 2011 at the headquarters office of the PattyC Property Group, the president Patty Chen had a meeting with the developer of the Ohio Property; Dean of the Department of Architectural Design at Dean of MIT, Nader Tehrani; owner of Nicholaeff Architecture Firm, Doreve Nicholaeff, and partner of law firm Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge LLP, Lorne McDougall. They all provided design and building ideas for the future development of the Lake front property.

2011年8月24日,在美亚商旅集团PCPG总部办公室,总裁陈艺平会见了资产公司开发商, 麻省理工学院建筑设计院主任纳德据特哈尼(Nader Tehrani), 尼克拉夫建筑公司的 老板 一夫尼克拉夫(Doreve Nicholaeff),和Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge LPP律师事务所的合伙人洛恩麦克杜格尔(Lorne McDougall)。他们就将来湖滨产业的发展提供了设计和建设的思路。