Nov. 2012, Connected with Wharton Club , University of Chicago Club, and Harvard Club of Boston

2012年 11月, 参与美国最著名三所大学波士顿俱乐部–沃顿商学院,芝加哥大学,和哈佛大学的活动

— Professor Chris Geczy talked on Value Investing at the Wharton Club of Boston.

–President of the University of Chicago, Robert Zimmer has outlined the future of science, arts, and global engagement at University of Chicago Club of Boston in Four Season Hotel.

–At the Harvard Club of Boston, the Saturday of Symposia featured outstanding faculty members from the Harvard University in fields ranging from the Real Estate Investment to the humanities.

Oct. 2012, the AmericAsia Club at Blue Hills Boston

2012年 10月,美亚俱乐部 AmericAsia Club俱乐部爬山秋游活动


猜猜我们最小的队员有多大?5个月,就他才叫真正的“爬”山。几个极可爱的孩子打前阵,不一会儿就到了山顶。占在瞭望台登高远望,才发现波士顿太美了。上山容易下山难,其实要真的滚着下来更快点儿。 天公作美,让我们在蓝山玩了个痛快,到家了才下雨,很幸运!以照片为证。感恩节我们还有活动。

June 2012, Assisting you in coming to the US is our duty

          2012年 6月, 协助您来美国是我们的职责

To provide personalized and an excellent full-service experience for Chinese people who are coming to the United States. We enable Chinese people to take usage of every minute in the United States to obtain the most of business opportunities and the highest level of enjoyment.


March 2012, Hurun Wealth Report Interviewed PattyC Property Group

2012年 3月,胡润百富专访


Inline image 1

Hurun Report has interviewed and published PattyC Group’s achievements and services in the areas of  Real Estate Investment and Serving Chinese Students in the US. The two full pages of the special reports are being published in the May 2012 issue of Hurun Report Magazine and in the April 2012 issue of Best of US Education Magazine.

Hurun Report, founded the China Rich List, is a leading luxury publishing and event group, comprising of magazines and active events. The businesses target at China’s high net worth individuals. “People often aren’t considered truly rich until anointed by Hurun Report…” by Wall Street Journal, Jan 2008

胡润百富专访和报道了美亚商旅波士顿 PattyC, 关于美国著名大学夏季班,房产投资和服务项目.并刊登在52012 国内国际著名杂志之一《胡润百富房地产专访栏 和 刊登在4月2012胡润百富高端品牌杂志《美国名校指南专访栏.   

 胡润百富以一个更了解中国富豪,更能体现中国富豪财富品质的公司, 见证企业家从善于创造财富,逐渐懂得如何运用财富引领由富及贵的格调。胡润百富关注中国高端人群的财富品质和生活格调,包括艺术品收藏、慈善事业、奢华旅游目的地,和海外留学教育等信息,以及推荐介绍各类新贵生活方式。胡润富豪榜在国内国际认可度最高.

Hurun Wealth Report Interview with Patty Chen

– Working with Passion

AABT-Boston Group’s business is very broad,including real estate, education, and business travel. However, according to PattyC Property Group CEO Patty Chen, she did  just one thing – providing a full range of personalized services for Chinese people staying in the United States. Due to the love of the real estate industry, Patty Chen left her job as a biological scientist to found PattyC Property Company. Due to the customer’s trust and needs, she entered the field of education. She does not consider herself doing “Business”, because what she has done are based on her passion and sense of mission.

Q: AABT has done many creative businesses: the first company to promote Chinese and American entrepreneurs’ cooperation, the first company to provide the best services in real estate investment and the field of education and so on. Why did you help more Chinese people enter the “recognize the U.S. ”market? What’s your originalintention of the company when you founded this company?

A: In fact, when we founded PattyC Property real estate investment group in 2001, the main job wasreal estate procurement and investment. In 2007, many Chinese found me and asked my help either to let their children study in the U.S., or purchase real estate- for living, orinvesting. They said that now that you provide us real estate service, can you also provide service for our children education as well? For this reason, in 2007 we founded the AABTGroup, which included real estate investment, education, and commercial tours, etc., to provide an excellent “one-stop” service for the Chinese people who stay or want to stay in the United States.


Q: Since AABT was founded in 2007, it has been five years. Did you have any cases that made you feel most proud in the past five years?

A: I think the most successful business we have done is still in real estate investment, green card, etc.related projects. While talking about this process, Thing thing that makes me the proudest is that I win many families’ trust. For example, if a Chinese family decide moving to the United States, 60% will look for about 3 or 4 service companies. After contacting us, from real estate purchase, their children’s education, or even business investment, they will only look to us for us for counseling and provision of services. Based on this trust, we do not treat this as a profitable business, but as a way to complete our mission. I have a high quality life in the United States, but as a Chinese, I also hope that other people can come here to enjoy this high quality life as I do. Chinese entrepreneurs, on the other hand, will bring money to the United States, and invest local business and other commercial activities to promote China-US economic interaction. These two areas make me feel that I am actually doing a noble thing.


Q: In terms of the Chinese students your have contacted with, which part of United States, or American Education attracts them most?

A: As far as I know, they think American education style will let them have more space to develop their own interests and potential. Unlike Chinese education, which the purpose to study is to study, not for their interests or their future like it is here in the USA.


Q: There are many student agencies that organize US travel, that include U.S. summer camp, campus visiting and other services. Compared to them, where do you think the strengths of AABT-Boston in education area?

A: I think the quality is the main differences. As far as I know, with some Chinese travel agencies one visit can bring more than 1000 people, but in their program, the children don’t get what they want. But our program will make kids reluctant to leave. We intertwine Chinese and American students in learning atmospheres and accommodations, after a while, the Chinese students can speak English with the American students! Moreover, our visit to Universities is not simply to visit the campus, but to also learn from experienced teachers how to apply to it. After the summer camp, we will issue graduation certificates to students, which is a valid certificate for them to apply for U.S. schools. Finally, it is worth mentioning that, our cost is not high, one day is less than 200 dollars, including all the costs, accommodation, transport, curricular activities fees, and insurance in the United States. This inexpensive and high quality visit/study for parents and their children is a worthwhile investment.


Q:  AABT covers investment, real estate, education, business, travel, etc., in the near future, will it explore and develop all these fields or focus on a particular area? Why?

A:  AABT will still emphasize on the part of the real estate investment, because this part is what we have done best. The reason we are good at it is not only because we have skills in the industry, but because we have the inner passion to do it. The company’s development must be closely linked with the positioning of the boss, the boss determines the direction of the company. Real estate is where my company and I can express out creativity the most which is why this is the part I enjoy most.

Feb. 2012, 1000 People Celebrate The Chinese New Year in Boston

2012年 2月,波士顿中国城千人春节联欢晚会

(Jia Hu edited 胡佳稿)

with Boston Mayor -Tom Menino. 与波士頓市長

On Feb. 4th, A Chinese Organization of New England organized a big banquet with 1000 people to Celebrate the 2012 Spring Festival. Many government officials, including Mayor of Boston,  Tom Menino、Congressman Michael Capuano、Stephen Grossman、Elizabeth Warren、Aaron Michlewitz、Bill Linehan、Donald Wong、Senator Anthony Petruccelli、Senator Sonia Chang Diaz、Transportation Minister Richard Davey, joined the banquet and gave their best wishes to China and the Chinese people who live in the New England area. Many Chen family members, including President Frank Chen and Ziyuan Chen gave short speeches. Other successful business people including the President of PattyC Property Group, Patty Chen, were also invited to join the banquet to celebrate the Spring Festival. At the party, Mayor of Boston, Thomas Menino, had a conversation with Patty Chen, and he is very interested, and supportive of our company bringing Chinese investors to Boston for real estate investments.

2月4日,纽英仑至孝笃亲公所举行了盛大春节联欢晚会, 分別在中國城『喜臨門大酒樓』及『龍鳳大酒樓』同步舉行慶典,兩大酒樓共招待了上千嘉賓及陳胡袁三姓宗親,筵開100席。邀请了很多政要,包括波士頓市長Thomas Menino、現任教哈佛大學並參選聯邦參議員之Elizabeth Warren教授、麻州財政廳長Steve Grossman、參議員Sonia Chang Diaz、眾議員黃子安及Aaron Michlewitz等政要均應邀致詞賀年。陈氏大家族,包括长老陳毓禮和陳毓璇. 一些成功商业人士出席并表达了祝福, 包括派蒂克房地产集团总裁陈艺平 也应邀参加并一同庆祝新年。在晚会上,波士頓市長Thomas Menino与总裁陈艺平交谈,对我们公司带来中国投资者到波士顿来投资房地产 表示非常感兴趣和支持。

     with Uncle Frank Chen,  与陳毓禮

Elizabeth Warren and her husband Bruce Mann in the event 伊丽莎白·沃伦 和她的丈夫布鲁斯·曼

July 2011, for 2nd year, we help Chinese students to Boston Tufts University 2011 Summer English School

2011年 7月,本公司已经是第2年帮助中国学生来美国波士顿Tufts University 塔夫茨大学上英语暑期班

AABT-Boston brought Chinese students to Tufts University for the English Program stretching from July 17th to August 13th. The students were very happy and learned a lot from this one month program which included activities such as visiting Boston’s famous attractions (The Freedom Trail, JFK Library and Museum, the Museum of Science, New England Aquarium, and Fenway Park) and allowing them to travel to America’s finest cities including New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. Some student’s parents also came to Boston to go sightseeing with them.

2011 年7月17日至8月13日,美亚商旅集团-波士顿(AABT-Boston) 带来中国学生参加了塔夫茨大学英语暑期课程。有些学生家长也一同来到了波士顿。 与其它各国学生在一起,中国学生非常乐意寓教于乐的学习英语强化课程和参加下午的精华景点活动,如访问波士顿的自由足迹,肯尼迪图书馆和博物馆,科学博物馆,新英格兰水族馆,以及芬威公园著名景点,并前往美国最好的城市游览,包括纽约市,费城和华盛顿特区。 中国学生都说收获非常大, 只觉得一个月过的太快了。


May 2011, PattyC Property 10th Anniversary Celebration 2011年 5月 派蒂克房地产集团10年庆祝 波士頓網源公司报道

熱烈祝賀派蒂克房地产集团(美亞商旅集團-波士頓母公司) 成立十週年!

On Saturday 5-22-2011, in the headquarters office building of  PattyC Property Group in Wellesley, MA , PattyC Property Group  celebrated the 10th anniversary of  PattyC Property Group with over 50 attendees. The guests mostly came from the greater Boston area, as well as 16 representatives of Chinese students from 10 universities. During the party, the other subsidiary divisions of PattyC Property Group in New York and in Chicago also sent a warm congratulatory letter and speech .

星期六 (5-22-2011),多家公司受邀來到位於Wellesley of MA 派蒂克房地产集团 (PattyC Property Group) 总部办公室,參加了派蒂克房地产集团 (PattyC Property Group) 成立十週年的慶祝活動。 50幾位來賓來自波士頓各行各業,还有来自10所大學的16位中國學生聯誼會代表前來祝賀!我們的貴賓還有欧美同学会副会长王辉耀和夫人苗绿。派蒂克房地 产集团的另外两家子公司美亞商旅集團-纽约和美亞商旅集團-芝加哥也在庆祝会上送来了热情洋溢的祝贺词.

派蒂克房地产集团 的總裁陈艺平(PattyChen),一位非常有魄力和有遠見,可佩可敬, 更有能力的女士, 向大家介紹了派蒂克房地产集团的成長過程。 雖然我們只聽到看到她的成功結果,我相信在奮鬥中的困難和曲折,,一定有着令人感動, 回味的許多故事。她是從一座房地產投資做起, 發展到目前擁有出租宅群。不僅在房地產投資, 她目光敏銳早期投資於EB5房产投資移民項目. 由於她的傑出貢獻,应美国移民局(USCIS)邀请, 她参加了2010年12月16日等多次电话会议, 并向美国移民局官员提出了中国个人投资者最关心的问题和建议. 美国移民局官员详细解答了问题和接受了建议。(。

集團今年夏天是第2年與著名的Tufts 大學合作,让中国学生在美国名牌大学校园里上英语暑期班, 让中国学生有机会和美国学生在一起开口讲流利地英语。她的高端商务旅游業務主要是为成功人士来美商务旅游提供优质特别 服务。服务范围包括:组织考察美国投资市场, 接触和领略世界一流的房地产、科技、教育领域; 为中国工商企业界的精英和领袖企业家到美国投资考察和做生意提供 一系列帮助并铺路搭桥;为中国所有想到美国投资、经商、 办子女上学,办理投资移民的工商界、 企业界精英打开进入美国的大门。 美亚商旅是商业与大自然和谐的旅游。她带领公司做到了房地產投資,EB5房产投資移民, 房产中介和房产管理,中国子女在美教育,和美国商业旅游, 一条龙服务.到目前為止, 已經成功地為上百位有志華人来美国提供了高质量的个性化服务。

Patty不僅自己事業成功, 她的兒子Troy 更是青出于兰, 也帮助美集團工作。 他目前是就讀與在賓夕法尼亞州的常青藤大學- 賓夕法尼亞大学沃頓商學院,为金融和计算机双学位学生. 沃頓商學院是一個世界上第一所商學院, 也是最著名和傑出的商學院之一。 20歲的他已經編制出應用於股票市場管理的應用軟件, 并且成立了一家资本投资公司 在他與很多大的金融銀行的interview中, 他的軟件收到了大家的极大興趣。他們都花了1/ 3的時間與他討論。他目前已經被 Fidelity Investment Company,一個著名的金融企業錄用, 下個月開始在那裡實習。

想了解更多的信息,請參閱 照片。Tony  and Cathy  提供照片。


March 2011, More Chinese elites came to Boston, MA 2011年 4月, 许多中国英才来到美国学习和访问, 并商谈中美合作



(2011-01-28 23:24:37)
据美国媒体报道,美国投资移民近两年越来越受到各国移民青睐,在2010年财年中,来自中国大陆的投资移民申请居全世界之最,韩国、英国、中国台湾以及印度。 美国投资移民近两年越来越受到各国移民青睐,据移民局2010年第四季度发布的最新统计,在2010年财年中,来自中国大陆的投资移民申请居全世界之最,占移民局全年发放的EB-5签证总数的41%,共计772人。 据移民局的统计,2010年投资移民签证获得者的前五名来源地分别是中国大陆、韩国(295人占16%)、英国(1357%)、中国台湾(945%),以及印度(623%),其它国家和地区总共获得527份签证,占总据美国媒体报道,美国投资移民近两年越来越受到各国移民青睐,在2010年财年中,来自中国大陆的投资移民申请居全世界之最,韩国、英国、中国台湾以及印度。

美国投资移民近两年越来越受到各国移民青睐,据移民局2010年第四季度发布的最新统计,在2010年财年中,来自中国大陆的投资移民申请居全世界之最,占移民局全年发放的EB-5签证总数的41%,共计772人。移民局表示,目前90%左右的投资移民都是以参与区域中心(Regional Centers)开发的方式来进行投资。这主要是区域中心相对于个体企业经营来说更稳定,在计算所创造的工作方面也更有优势。移民局表示,目前90%左右的投资移民都是以参与区域中心(Regional Centers)开发的方式来进行投资。这主要是区域中心相对于个体企业经营来说更稳定,在计算所创造的工作方面也更有优势。 过去两年里,由于美国经济不景气,全美各地涌现出许多以吸引投资移民为融资手段的区域开发项目,纽约市的布鲁克林海军船坞改造项目是这些项目中最受青睐也 是最成功的几个项目之一。在2010年财年中,来自中国大陆的投资移民申请居全世界之最,占移民局全年发放的EB-5签证总数的41%,共计772人。 据移民局的统计,2010年投资移民签证获得者的前五名来源地分别是中国大陆、韩国(295人占16%)、英国(1357%)、中国台湾(945%),以及印度(623%),其它国家和地区总共获得527份签证,占总目前投资移民每一步的申请处理时间平均为5个月左右。



(2011-01-28 11:24:10)

Feb. 2011, 150 Chinese Entrepreneurs visited the USA seeking investment opportunities

2011年 2月,  150名中国商界领袖美国行

From February 9th, 2011for two weeks, the Chinese Entrepreneurs visit Harvard University and the United States, an unprecedented event coordinated by the Huatuo CEO Forum lead by Mr. Yan Jiehe bringing over 150 Chinese Entrepreneurs with an estimated economic power of more than 50 billion RMB. PattyC Property Group have partially organized the trip since 13 months ago.

Arriving first in New York City for a talk with President Bill Clinton followed by a performance by Peter Buffet, they stopped briefly at West Point and then on to a two day conference at Harvard University involving some of the top minds in economic and business theory from China and America. Following this conference, they traveled to Las Vegas and on to California, where they are organizing information sessions and meetings to learn more about investment opportunities in America.

The Huatuo CEO Forum have been successfully held on Sat. & Sun., Feb.12-13, 2011 at Harvard Kennedy School. All the Guest speakers were top-notch well respected professionals. They are ranging from Nobel Prize recipiant, Real Estate Developers, Financial Professionals, Successful entrepreneurs and Bankers. Topics were both educational and informative. The leader of the 150 Chinese Entrepreneurs, Mr. Yan Jiehe’s speeches were very powerful, passionate and motivational. The 150 Chinese Entrepreneurs were impressed on how well the event ran and were very appreciative of the opportunities presented in the Forum. Mr. Yan hinted, that an event run as well as this one, can quite possible achievable to bring in 500 more Chinese Entrepreneurs for next year!

We are also very happy with the event. Many Chinese Entrepreneurs express strong interest in real estate investment in the USA. Many of them also first learned and are excited about the Real Estate EB-5 Investment opportunity and Youth Summer School programs. PattyC Property Group has also invited and networked with some very good Real Estate investment partners for the event, such as Mr.Harold Brown, president of the Hamilton Company. Hamilton Company is one of the largest Real Estate Develop company in New England; Mr.David Lindahl(The Lindahl Group), a famous real estate investor and educator, and Mr. Ori Ron (Hudson Group ), a famous Boston local real estate developer specialized in urban real estate development.

It will be an exciting year for the PattyC Property Group. Many business opportunities are around. Our programs are very well covered for all of our clients’ needs. email:

由华佗论箭智慧国际集团首席专家严介和先生率领的中国商界领袖美国行, 从2月9日起两周,参观考察了纽约、西点军校、波士顿、哈佛大学、拉斯维加斯、洛杉矶等美国城市、著名学府。本次访问旨在促进中美两国文化交流、促进中美 企业家的合作与共赢. 美国派蒂克房地产投资集团(PattyC Property Group) 协助经过13个月的准备,终于迎来了此团访问美国。

这个近200人的庞大代表团,都是来自全国各地的行业领袖与精英,在各自的领域中都享有盛誉。知名企业家有太平洋建设集团董事局主席黄新忠, 天津津保振兴建筑工程有限公司董事长贾喜安,广东新明珠陶瓷集团有限公司董事长蒋文凯,北京柏利德科技发展有限公司董事长唐海林,河南鸿业集团董事长孙改 名,重庆市志航公司董事长湛红兵,北京弘正建设集团有限公司董事长刘会等。代表团在美国期间受到当地各界人士的高度重视。

美国前总统柯林顿9日在纽约接待欢迎代表团, 并举行了首日论坛。12日至13日代表团在波士顿的哈佛大学与来自美国的政界、商界、学术界的领袖人物进行面对面对话与交流,并在哈佛大学举行了首届“哈 佛中美商界领袖年会”。 与这些企业家直接对话的美国嘉宾有哈佛大学著名房地产及金融学教授爱德华•摩骧特,2006年诺贝尔医学奖获得者克雷格•C•梅洛博士Craig Mello、美国波士顿汉密尔顿房地产公司总裁哈罗德•布朗,欧美同学会副会长王辉耀等各界大师。在会上,许多企业家都对在美国投资经商感兴趣,特别是对 美国房地产的投资。 房地产大亨布朗先生说道: “美国的房地产刚从低谷走出,现在是买美国房地产的好机会。投资时一定要找可信的房产商或合作伙伴以减少投资风险” 。总部在波士顿的派蒂克房地产投资集团对投资美国的房地产很有经验, 派蒂克房地产投资集团与纽英伦地区最大,最有名的房地产公司有合作关系,如Mr.Harold Brown’s Hamilton Company汉密尔顿公司, 大伟.林道尔 Mr.David Lindahl’s The Lindahl Group,欧日.让Mr.Ori Ron’s Hudson Group 等。请参看网站:

派蒂克房地产投资集团专门为中国企业家来美投资,经商,移民,子女读书,商业旅游等提供全套服务。 该集团办理EB5移民, 房地产投资, 子女来美读书,夏令营,冬令营和美国商务考察旅游, 是一个能综合美国和中国的优势于一体的大规模的公司。 请参看网站 或电邮


Oct. 2010, at Wellesley MA USA, the first Board of Directors meeting of the AmericAsia Investment Association (The AAIA) 2010年 10月,在韦尔斯利 (Wellesley MA, USA), 第一次美国亚洲投资协会董事会会议

The AmericAsia Investment Association (The AAIA) had a first Executive Board meeting after it was formal established on Sep. 8th, 2010. In the meeting, we clearly defined the mission, clients, and structure of the AAIA ( After the meeting, the part of board directors participated in the Merrill Lynch finance group dinner at the well-known Blue Ginger restaurant with the owner Ming Tsai in Wellesley. The AAIA provides a platform for making investment deals between America and Asia. Any company and organization can use this platform to do business deal. The AAIA governing bodies are the Executive Board and Advisory Board. The founder of PattyC Property Group Patty Chen is a president for The AAIA; the regional vice president of NAI Global Real Estate Company John  is a real estate executive director; the president of Education Without Borders Company Swallow  is a education executive director. The more leaders will be announced in near future. Real Estate Executive Director John  will represent the AAIA to China in February 2011meeting with the Executive Board members of China for same real estate business deals.

这是在美国亚洲投资协会于2010年 9月8日正式成立后的第一次美国亚洲投资协会董事会会议.会议明确了协会的使命, 服务对象, 和机构组成 ( 会后,美国亚洲投资协会部分董事会参会人员在韦尔斯利最著名的餐馆-BluE Ginger Restaurant 与餐馆老板Ming Tsai 和Merrill Lynch finance group 共进晚餐. 美国亚洲投资协会为美国与亚洲之间提供一个投资交易平台.任何公司和机构都可以在此平台上做美国与亚洲之间投资生意.美国亚洲投资协会领导机构由执行董事 会和顾问董事会组成.派蒂克房地产投资集团总裁陈艺平女士 (Patty Chen)任会长; NAI Global 诺屋德集团地区付总裁约翰(John)任房地产执行董事, 美国无国界教育主席晓哲先生(Swallow )任教育执行董事. 今后会宣布更多的协会领导成员. 房地产执行董事约翰将代表美国亚洲投资协会,明年2月去中国会见协会中的中方领导成员.

With the best Blue Ginger Restaurant owner-Ming Tsai.
与最著名的Blue Ginger Restaurant 餐馆老板Ming Tsai


Sep. 2010, Patty Chen president attended the China-US Forum in Boston, met with Minister of Chinese Ministry of Commerce -Wang Chao September , 2010 陳藝平总裁在波士顿出席中美科技論壇,会见中國商務部付部長王超

The fifty top executives of thirty companies from China led by Vice Minister of Commerce Wang Chao, visited to Boston in Sep.18th for the Chinese trade and investment promotion missions. The vice Minister Wang spoke at “Sino-US Science and Technology Innovation and Development Forum” held by the Massachusetts Office of International Trade (MOITI), to enhance the development of Sino-US economic and trade relations between the two countries and promote cooperation, and invited Massachusetts people to Beijing to attend the “Green Industry Expo.” At Nov.24-27th, 2010.

由來自三十多家公司的五十多名高層主管組成的由中國商務部副部長王超率領的中國貿易投資促進團,十八日访问了波士頓.副 部長王超為該部與麻州國際貿易辦公室(MOITI)等合作的「中美科技創新與發展論壇」發表演講,加强發展中美兩國之間的經貿關係和促進合作,并邀请麻州 各界十一月廿四至廿七日,到北京參加「綠色產業博覽會」。

Reference 参考文献:

(左 起) Mass Insight Education董事長Bill Gunther、麻省理工學院人才論壇前任主席段可、MOITI中國部主任吳曉雲、MOITI主任Ted Carr、大唐環球技術朱順利、派蒂克房地产集团总裁陳藝平、行者集團太陽能董事長馬昕、熊貓園(Panda Land)王卓、中國德集團董事長陳奮等人在「中美科技創新與發展論壇」會後合影。(菊子攝)

Vice Minister of Chinese Ministry of Commerce -Wang Chao

Vice Minister of Chinese Ministry of Commerce -Wang Chao spoke at the meeting.


June-July, 2010, The AmericAsia Investment Association (The AAIA) in China to discuss China-US projects collaboration 2010年6-7月,美国亚洲投资协会(筹委会)到中国洽谈中美项目

June 24, to July 10, 2010, The AAIA Delegation, headquartered in Boston, went to Shanghai, Beijing, ChengDe, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong.

The AAIA Delegation had 7 people, including President of PattyC Property Group and Chairman of America Asia Investments Association (organizing) Patty Chen, President of Education Without Borders Company, Swallow, General Manager of HNI International markets Nathan, Co-Founder and EVP of PharmaHub Corp Roger, Vice president of Iowa Realty Company Tim, professor of AIB Business College Rita, and Technology manager of PattyC Property Group Troy .

During the visit, The AAIA met many of China’s outstanding business people and companies, including Chairman and CEO of SouFun Holdings Ltd – Vincent Mo, Chairman of The Global Chinese Real Estate Congress (GCREC) – Ye Jianping, founder of HURUN REPORT -Hurun and president-Sinclair Lu, vice Chairman of Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) and CEO of San Shan Capital Partners -Li Shan, President of Softbank Asia Information Foundation (SAIF)- Yan Yan, President of JuneYao Group-Wang JuneHao, owner of four-star hotel in Chengde City and President of the Chamber of Commerce-Lu KongQiu. DaCheng law firm, the largest law firm in China, invited The AAIA to meet with the leaders and experts of several of China’s central private and state enterprises. We discussed the Chinese enterprises’ investments in US real estate, education projects, and the American enterprises’ investments in Chinese health care and high technology companies. The two sides of the Chinese enterprises and the American enterprises agreed to communicate further about the detailed information and to seek future opportunities for deep cooperation. The Chinese enterprises are 1. Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China. 2. China National Real Estate Development Stock Co., Ltd. 3. China Foreign Economy and Trade Trust Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Sinochem Group. 4. School of International studies, Peking University. The AAIA was also invited to participate in the Shanghai Jiaotong University Century of Wealth financial summit, Western Returned Scholars Association 2010 Beijing Forum, and American educational and cultural cooperation summit. We also visited Pangu Plaza office and international apartments, a seven-star hotel west of the Bird’s Nest and the Water Cube.

The purpose of The AmericAsia Investment Association’s (The AAIA) trip to China was to take the best advantage of both sides of China’s and the United States’s economic markets in real estate, health care, high technology, and China to US education (students) and training (including business executive training at Harvard University). The projects of cooperation and discussion are a total of 15.

2010 年6月24日到7月10日,总部在波士顿的美国亚洲投资协会(筹委会)访华团到了上海, 北京,承德,深圳,香港。

美国亚洲投资协会(筹委会)访华团一行7人,包括派蒂克房地产投资集团总裁、美国亚洲投资协会(筹委会)主席陈艺平女士 (Patty Chen),美国无国界教育主席、中国侨联海外委员晓哲先生(Swallow ),HNI 国际跨国企业的市场部总经理内深先生(Nathan ),PharmaHub Corp创始人和付总裁谢雷杰先生(Roger ) ,巴菲特旗下公司房地产公司副总裁体木先生(Tim ),AIB商学院教授丽塔女士(Rita ),派蒂克房地产投资集团技术总经理卓伊先生(Troy).

访问期间与中国的杰出人士和企业座谈和会面的有:搜房网董事长莫天全,世界华人不动产学会会长叶剑平,胡润百富的创始人胡润和总裁吕能幸,  瑞士联合银行(UBS)副主席和三山投资公司总裁李山,软银亚洲赛富资基金CEO阎焱, 均瑶集团总裁王均豪, 承德普宁寺四星级酒店老板和承德温州商会 主席卢孔取. 应中国最大的大成律师事务所高级合伙人肖金泉、徐永前、黄兴律师邀请接待,与中央企业和国家企业座谈的有:中国商用飞机有限公司、中房置业股份有限公司、 对外经贸信托投资有限公司、北京大学的领导和专家.洽谈了有关中国企业赴美投资房地产,美国教育的项目和美国企业到中国合作医疗保健,高科技事宜。洽谈双 方表示将进一步沟通有关信息,寻求将来深度合作的机会。美国亚洲投资协会(筹委会)还应邀参加了上海交通大学百年财富金融峰会, 欧美同学会2010北京 论坛, 中美教育及文化合作峰会.也参观了紧临“鸟巢”、水立方西侧的盘古大观的写字楼、国际公寓、七星级酒.


如果需要了解详情和对此感兴趣者,请联系: PattyC Property Group 派蒂克房地产集团


June, 2010, DaCheng law firm, a the largest law firm in China, invited The AAIA to meet with the leaders and experts of several of China’s central private and state enterprises. 2010年6月28日, 美国亚洲投资协会(筹委会)到访中国最大的律师事务所-大成律师事务所

6月28日,美国亚洲投资协会(筹委会)先前访 华团到访大成。大成高级合伙人肖金泉、徐永前、黄兴律师接待了来访嘉宾。美国亚洲投资协会(筹委会)先前访华团的成员主要包括派蒂克房地产投资集团总裁、 美国亚洲投资协会(筹委会)主席陈艺平女士 (Patty Chen),美国无国界教育主席、中国侨联海外委员晓哲先生(Swallow ),HNI 国际跨国企业的市场部总经理内深(Nathan )先生,派蒂克房地产投资集团技术总经理徐卓伊(Troy ) 先生。 访问团来访期间,邀请中国商用飞机有限公司、中房置业股份有限公司、对外经贸信托投资有限公司、北京大学的领导、专家,洽谈了有关中国企业赴美投资 项目事宜。包括美国佛罗里达州奥兰多套房酒店项目投资方案、德州达拉斯市老年公寓以及缅因州布鲁斯威克海军航空兵基地重建项目的相关情况。洽谈双方表示将 进一步沟通有关信息,寻求将来深度合作的机会。



Oct. 2009, Discussed a business with Barbara Corcoran – Owner of the Real Estate Business

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 8:20 AM, Patty Chen wrote:

Dear Barbara Corcoran,

I am very excited and looking forward to working with you.

I admire your strong character and great sense of business. I am very proud of you as you are the only woman out of five outstanding entrepreneurs in the Shark Tank TV show.

I am a real estate investor in apartment complexes and started the company in 2001 ( Because I have deep connections with China’s  entrepreneurs, we provide business services between Asia and the United States through collaboration, partnership, and representation with China’s  entrepreneurs and companies for real estate investment and service-on-demand in America for the businesses between the United States and China.

I look forward to hearing from you and talking with you soon.

Best regards, Patty Chen



On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 1:00 PM, Barbara Corcoran wrote:

Hi Patty,

I so appreciate your contacting me about your businesses and I hope you keep your enthusiasm pursuing your dream…


… Barbara





June 2009, Business with Doreve Nicholaeff Architect in Cape Cod, MA for a Place of making business deals between the United States and China

Doreve Nicholaeff holds a Master degree of Architecture in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), founded well-known Nicholaeff Architecture + Design in 1986 working in California and New England. The firm has built their philosophy on the belief that building should be emotive, warm, inviting, beautiful and inspired; a place for rejuvenation and life. She designed a building is an excellent place of making business deals between the United States and China in our company-AABT Boston.


May 2009, Patty Chen co-assisted Paul Krugman – Peking University Debate

2008 Nobel Prize winner in economics, Princeton University professor, world outstanding economist – Paul R. Krugman on May 11-13, 2009 visited China. He had a speech at Peking University and debated with China’s top economist- Li Yining, China Pacific Construction Group Chairman of the Board-Yan Jiehe, president of Peking University’s Guanghua School of Management -Zhang Weiying, Qinghua University Professor-Li Daokui, etc.  Patty Chen had co-assisted to participate the activities in Beijing. The three companies are PattyC Property Group, S & T Global Inc., And the East Runming Technology Development Co., Ltd.


March 2009, invited Bill Gates to China Wealth Philanthropy Conference at behalf of Hurun

Dear Bill and Melinda Gates:

We are writing this letter on behalf of Mr. Rupert Hoogewerf (Chinese name Hu Run), a founder of the most influential and recognized CHINA RICH LIST and Chinese entrepreneurial magazine-HURUN REPORT ( It is our great honor and pleasure to invite Mr. and Mrs. Gates to attend the celebration ceremony of the 6th annual China Philanthropy List in May 2009 in Shanghai, China. We are very excited to know that Mr. Gates intended to launch a campaign to get the wealthiest Chinese to take the charitable work in a press conference during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland this January. It will be a perfect timing and opportunity to combine the strength and vision of both parties to promote philanthropy in China. Please allow us to give you a brief introduction of Mr. Rupert Hoogewerf, his organization and the China Philanthropy List below.

By publishing the first ever CHINA RICH LIST on Forbes magazine in 1999, HURUN REPORT is now widely recognized as the foremost authority in tracking the rapid changes in China’s entrepreneurial community. In 2004, Mr. Hoogewerf was named one of the 100 Top Influencers in China’s Globalization by Global Entrepreneur magazine. In 2005, China Entrepreneur magazine named the Hurun Report China Rich List as one of the ten most important business events of the past twenty years. In recognition of his contribution to the understanding of wealth creation in China, Hoogewerf was awarded the prestigious “2002 Person of the Year” by News Weekly Magazine. Other winners have included Zhong Nanshan (2003), the SARS whistleblower; Liu Xiang (2004), China’s first Olympic gold medalist in track and field; Li Yuchun (2005), winner of China’s inaugural Super Girl, the Chinese equivalent of American Idol in the US; and Yi Zhongtian, for his reinterpretations of Chinese classics.

Grown up and educated in the Europe, Mr. Rupert Hoogewerf always recognized the importance of charitable missions. In 2004, when philanthropy, charity, and donating were all new words in China, Mr. Hoogewerf published the first China Philanthropy List to encourage and promote charitable contribution from Chinese entrepreneurs. His list draws on a survey covering 2,500 entrepreneurs on the Chinese mainland. In the latest (2008) list, the country’s top 100 philanthropists have given away 12.9 billion ($1.8 billion) since 2003, with education, social welfare, and poverty reduction attracting the most donors. Twenty-seven donors each gave more than 100 million yuan ($14.6 million) this year, compared to 15 donors last year. The report, which also compiles an annual list of the country’s wealthiest people, found that 66 of the top 100 philanthropists also ranked in China’s 100 wealthiest this year, up from 54 last year. The charity lists have created a favorable social environment for the development of the country’s philanthropy sector, said Zheng Yuanchang, director with the social relief office of the Ministry of Social Affairs. Now the publishing of the annual China Philanthropy List becomes the most media covered and reported philanthropic event in China. Hurun Report also hosts the biggest charity fund raising event in China each year, attracting hundreds of philanthropists whose names appear on the China Rich List and China Philanthropy List, with a total contribution of more than $10 million. Under his influence, more and more wealthy people are setting up their own charitable funds, and the whole society is paying more attention to charity. For example, The Capital Philanthropy Federation has announced in November 2008 that December 3 is Capital Philanthropy Day in China’s capital, Beijing, and that it will hold public welfare activities on that day to promote charity undertakings in the city.

Although we have seen some progress in charity work in China in the past few years, there is a lot more that needs to be done, especially in the current challenging economic environment. In May 2009, Hurun Report will publish its 6th annual China Philanthropy List and host a celebration event to recognize the great achievement of these philanthropists and further promote charitable giving through the mass media coverage to the Chinese people. We would like to formally invite Mr. and Mrs. Gates to attend this most important annual charitable event in China and to give a keynote speech. As one of the world’s most generous philanthropists and an icon of promoting charity work, your participation in this event will have a profound impact on encouraging future charitable contribution by the rich and wealthy people in China and on promoting the concept of giving back to society. It will also present a great opportunity to establish a network.

We will send a detailed schedule to you and make further arrangements. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Patty Chen on behalf of Mr. Rupert Hoogewerf


Oct. 2008, participated Hurun Ten-Year Anniversary Celebrations in Shanghai

As Rupert Hoogewerf (Hurun) invited, we organized U.S. companies and U.S. entrepreneurs participating Hurun 10 anniversary celebration in the Shanghai of China. With many Chinese business leaders, we discussed China-US economics, enterprise development, and companies’ collaboration.

Shanghai – Hurun from Patty Chen on Vimeo.


up1: with Hurun;   down2: with Hurun’s parents

上照片: 和胡润.      下照片: 和胡润的父母 


Dec. 2007, Patty Chen honored for Life Time Member at the Overseas Chinese-American Entrepreneurs Association

Patty Chen introduced and invited Dr. Michael Gordon of Harvard University, a writer, entrepreneur, professor, and venture capitalist speaking to Chinese entrepreneurs about “American approach to negotiate”, held in Boston Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). At same time, Patty Chen President was awarded by OCEAN for honorary lifetime membership certificate.