July 10th, 2013. Patty Chen met up with Hurun in NYC

2013年7月, 陈艺平在纽约市会见胡润

Hurun and PattyChen  胡润 和陈艺平
Hurun and PattyChen 胡润 和陈艺平


Hurun (Rupert Hoogewerf ),  owner of Hurun Report  invited Patty Chen President to a high-end dinner hosted at the Langham hotel at NYC, with only 50 people to celebrate Hurun first time to the US in more than ten years. During the evening, Hurun talked about Hurun and PattyC  Group collaborations,  the latest trends among China’s rich, philanthropy, and what Chinese are doing with the schooling of the next generation. The guests  included VIPs from the companies’ executives,  the Asian Society,  the Committee of 100,, and luxury brands.

胡润百富的胡润邀请陈艺平总裁在纽约市朗廷酒店高端晚宴上, 50人庆祝十余年后胡润第一次到美国。席间,胡润谈到胡润百富和PattyC集团合作,中国富人最新发展趋势,慈善事业,下一代的教育。嘉宾包括来自公司高管,亚洲协会,百人会,奢侈品牌的主管。

Yue-Sai Kan and Patty Chen 靳羽西和陈艺平
Yue-Sai Kan and Patty Chen 靳羽西和陈艺平

June 30th, 2013. AABT Boston and Patty Chen featured in Boston Sunday Globe

Boston Globe


On June 30th,  our company- American Asia Business Tour Group-Boston (AABT-Boston) was featured on the front page of the Boston Sunday Globe, check out the article about foreign investors in Boston’s real estate market here: Overseas buyers flood region’s realty marketWealthy investors, many from China, lift economy

在6月30日,《波士顿环球报》星期日头版上,报道本公司AABT-波士顿和 帕蒂·陈( 陈艺平)的一篇关于外国投资者在波士顿的房地产市场购房:海外买家洪水般涌进房地产市场, 富有的投资者,许多来自中国,提升经济. 


AABT-Boston's seminar about Real Estate Investing in USA for a group from China ​美亚商旅集团-波士顿给中国代表团介绍美国房产投资EB5
AABT-Boston’s seminar about Real Estate Investing in USA for a group from China ​美亚商旅集团-波士顿给中国代表团介绍美国房产投资

据《波士顿环球报》(Boston Globe)6月30日报道,波士顿市区的豪华房产,包括位于波士顿W区(W Boston)、45 区(45 Province)以及千禧广场(Millennium Place)出售的奢侈公寓,24%的买主属于海外买主,其中很多投资者是现金付款。

陈艺平(Patty Chen 帕蒂·陈)经营的美亚商旅集团-波士顿(America Asia Business Tour Group-Boston)专门协助中国投资者选购波士顿房产。她介绍,仅仅在2013年春天,她处理的4个不动产交易,金额就达700万美元。中国都市的房价过高,相比之下,波士顿的房产算是物美价廉。

陈艺平(Patty Chen帕蒂·陈)表示,投资者非常高兴能够在波士顿购买房屋,投资金额大概在100万至200万美元。同时,她的公司向顾客提供学校与社区咨询。“我很多朋友的孩子在波士顿,他们正在考虑在这买房。波士顿的房子比北京要便宜得多。”陈说。

除了中国人,来自加拿大、亚洲国家、南美以及欧洲国家的投资者也纷纷在波士顿购房。美国全国房地产经纪人协会(National Association of Realtors)量化研究项目总监杰德·史密斯(Jed Smith)表示,尽管传统上,包括佛罗里达州、加利福尼亚州以及亚利桑那州在内的美国部分地区房产较为吸引海外投资者,但目前,波士顿房产的吸引力也与日倍增。

过去5年,中国经济飞速增长,中国投资者对波士顿房产的兴趣也随之增长。据波士顿贝恩管理咨询公司(Bain & Co。)报告显示,2012年,能够至少投资160万美元的中国富翁数量已达70万人,相比2008年增长一倍。购买房产除了获得利润,投资者购房还出于旅游度假和子女上学的考虑。

房地产销售总监韦恩·洛佩兹(Wayne Lopez)表示,45区的豪华公寓售价在97.5万至500万美元之间,海外投资者购买的房屋占房屋总量的35%。“我们最大的客户群是来自亚洲国家的海外投资者,他们认为波士顿市属于长期投资与子女接受教育的好地方。”他说。

陈艺平(Patty Chen 帕蒂·陈)则表示,中国投资者喜欢选择配有家具的新建房屋。很多情况下,男性投资者是为妻女买房,便于在美国度假旅游。比如最近一位顾客就为17岁的女儿购买了价值135万美元的四居室,他的女儿在劳伦斯市(Lawrence)一所私立中学上学。


 Patty Chen (right) and one of her clients, Jane, in Brookline. Chen helps people from China buy homes.陈艺平(右)和她的客户之一,简,在布鲁克林。陈艺平帮助中国人买房子。
Patty Chen (right) and one of her clients, Jane, in Brookline. Chen helps people from China buy homes.陈艺平(右)和她的客户之一,简,在布鲁克林。陈艺平帮助中国人买房子。

May, 2013. Buying a home in America has never been so easy and so worth it!

2013年5月, 在美国买一套理想的别墅并不难也不贵!

这篇文章刊登在侨报 2013年6月22日 波士顿,23日纽约,新泽西, 费城,华盛顿DC, 工商新闻版。

3 WSL ppPattyC Property Group, headquartered in Boston, home to Harvard and MIT is dedicated to building a trusting and successful relationship with you. We have  helped many Chinese to invest in real estate at USA. In the past 2 months we have sold 4 houses worth $7,000,000 to Chinese investors alone.

Patty Property Group provides you with complete service from the start to the end. We provide/help you with:

-Finding the best house that suits your needs in the most desirable location for an easy sale in the future.

-Negotiating to get the best, most reasonable price for your house.

-PattyC Property has collaborated with Americas banks who can fund you up to 60% of your purchase price.

-Getting you accustomed with the area, giving tours, and helping to start new businesses.

-Helping to find the best school for your child.

We are dedicated to making your house, your home. Satisfy your dreams and promise your child a good future in the USA. Just follow America and China’s most trusted company, PattyC Property Group makes this an easy journey to a quality life.

PattyC Property Group总部位于波士顿,位于哈佛大学和麻省理工学院所在地,是一家专业的美国房地产投资公司。已经帮助许多房地产投资者在美国投资买房。在过去2个月,仅为中国来的投资者已售出房屋价值近七百万美元 ($7,000,000)

 PattyC Property团队为你提供从开始到结束全套完整,个性化,卓越品质的服务。我们的服务包括:

找到最适合你的房子: 在风景如画的位置,交通便利的位置,华人聚集的位置或在学区好的小区,并在未来有高的增值空间用以最大化你的投资回报。现在,在波士顿和附近城镇买一套温馨理想的别墅比在北京或上海买一套公寓还便宜.

为你的房子得到最好最合理的价格: 我们的热情,负责任,高效率和丰富经验的谈判技能不仅能帮你获得最好的房子价格,还能帮你谈判到最好的家居价格,包括豪华的家具,高贵的窗帘,和迷人的花园。 我们甚至还能拿到没有上市的少见的好房子机会。

帮你贷到你需要的资金和最佳利率: 资金最高达到你购买价格的60%。通过一些美国银行,中国来的买房者可以贷款; 程序简单。现在房屋库存量越来越少,好房子和这种最好的贷款机会也不会持续太久.

-帮你从开始到结束全套完整服务: 我们有为你着想为你的利益全力以赴的经纪人, 验房师,估房师,和过户交接律师,使你整个过程简单容易,省钱省心,捷径快速, 愉快顺利地得到你的理想别墅.

为你的孩子安排最好的学校, 让你适应该居住地区的环境,为你全家登陆安居美国,开始新生活新工作做好准备。我们全力为你有个美好的家给你的孩子在美国提供一个美好的未来, 帮你实现梦想。请相信美国和中国值得信赖忠诚你的公司. 

PattyC Property Group




中国免费电话: 950 4037 8774  

地址: 471 Washington St. Wellesley MA, 02482  USA

PattyC Newspaper

5 WSL pp

Tang pp

April 8th, 2013. A Headquarters Conference in Wellesley, MA. Company promises it will be a long term company

2013年4月8日, 在麻州韦尔斯利的总部会议上, 承诺将是一个长期存在的公司

left: Tom Deng, John Harding, Peter Genta, Dorothy Manning, Guo Fang, and Patty Chen. 从左:邓世午, 约翰·哈丁, 彼得·尊达, 多萝西·曼宁, 国芳, 陈艺平.
 Tom , John, Peter, Dorothy, Guo Fang, and Patty. 从左:世午, 约翰, 彼得, 多萝西, 国芳, 艺平.

A headquarters conference at Wellesley office was hold and several team members of the company met to develop a solid foundation on each member responsibilities and to promise on a long term existence of the company. The people who attended were clarified on the goals and updated accomplishments of PattyC Property Group and discussed the values of quality of life and business between China and the USA. Plans were made for the geographical and demographic expansion of the company. We focus on long term.

在麻州韦尔斯利总部办公会上, 公司团队的部分主要成员出席. 会上制定了如何奠定坚实基础和每为同事的责任,并承诺我们公司将是一个长期存在的公司。出席人员明确了目标, 看到取得的成就,并讨论了如何提高中国和美国的高品质生活和高质量业务。公司注重长远, 计划在地理上和人员上将继续扩展。

Dec. 2012, Our company’s achievements and contributions in recent years


最近年每年平均服务150人的速度,我们公司与中国代理商和美国合作单位一起,带来了许多房地产投资者, 在麻州, 佛州,华盛顿州,德州,内华达州-拉斯维加斯, 佛蒙特州. 我们帮助投资者购买和租赁住房并移居美国; 服务他们的孩子在最好的学校学习并于几所大学签订了合同; 帮助投资者建立自己的企业,和协助他们安顿下来, 顺利愉快地留住美国 拥有优质生活. 2012年 8-9月, 五大华人媒体同时报道,香港電視廣播有限公司(TVB), 胡润百富(HurunReport), 世界日报, 星岛日报 , 看中国报 , 同时报道了美亚商旅集团-波士顿 PattyC Property所取得的成就和作出的贡献.  投资者和顾客对我们的评价非常高。

  https://pattycproperty.com/archives/date/2012/09  (五大华人媒体同时报道)

香港电视廣播公司(TVB)报道美亚商旅集团波士顿房产投资EB5美国绿卡 (中文)http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDkxNTI3NjE2.html   

http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDkxNTQxNzg0.html (去年学生视频)

http://www.madizhu.com/ads/patty_chen.php  (客户反馈评价非常高)

Nov. 2012, Connected with Wharton Club , University of Chicago Club, and Harvard Club of Boston

2012年 11月, 参与美国最著名三所大学波士顿俱乐部–沃顿商学院,芝加哥大学,和哈佛大学的活动

— Professor Chris Geczy talked on Value Investing at the Wharton Club of Boston.

–President of the University of Chicago, Robert Zimmer has outlined the future of science, arts, and global engagement at University of Chicago Club of Boston in Four Season Hotel.

–At the Harvard Club of Boston, the Saturday of Symposia featured outstanding faculty members from the Harvard University in fields ranging from the Real Estate Investment to the humanities.

Oct. 2012, the AmericAsia Club at Blue Hills Boston

2012年 10月,美亚俱乐部 AmericAsia Club俱乐部爬山秋游活动


猜猜我们最小的队员有多大?5个月,就他才叫真正的“爬”山。几个极可爱的孩子打前阵,不一会儿就到了山顶。占在瞭望台登高远望,才发现波士顿太美了。上山容易下山难,其实要真的滚着下来更快点儿。 天公作美,让我们在蓝山玩了个痛快,到家了才下雨,很幸运!以照片为证。感恩节我们还有活动。

Sep. 2012, Five major Chinese media reported: AABT-Boston’s Achievements

2012年 9月, 五大华人媒体同时报道:美亚商旅集团

In Sept., five major Chinese media companies: World Journal, Sing Tao Daily, Kan Zhong Guo, TVB, and Hurun Report have reported on AABT-Boston’s achievements for real estate  investment and services. In the past month,  president Patty Chen introduced projects in Boston to a group of Chinese entrepreneurs. She also showed the entrepreneurs a site of the real estate investment project. Due to the recovering US economy and the strong growing Chinese economy, as well as the low costs for real estate investment in the US, there are more and more Chinese investing in the US real estate market as a solid investment with prospective return.

Hong Kong TVB Interviewed with PattyC Property Group  (English video)http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDkxNTI3Mjky.html

陈艺平為企業高管在波士顿舉辦了講座。Patty Chen ‘s seminar for Chinese entrepreneurs.
这篇文章是在世界日报 2012年8月25日 波士顿地方新闻版刊登。请访问:

為團員舉辦「為您辦理房產投資美國」講座,有意申請投資移民者十之八九是為了子女的教育和未來留在美國發展做準備。而看過投資項目房產公寓的中國企業家,無一人不嘆「便宜!」Read more:世界新聞網-北美華文新聞、華商資訊 – 投資考察 觀光 西安企業家來美遊學

陈艺平為企業高管在波士顿舉辦講座。Patty Chen ‘s seminar for Chinese entrepreneurs.

这篇文章是在星岛日报 2012年8月21日 波士顿地方新闻版刊登。

美亞商旅集團─波士頓創辦人陈艺平(Patty Chen),上周末為西安交大企業高管商管班的學員們,舉辦了一場講座。以來自西安為主的這批企業老總們,對美國稅務、綠卡種類,問得很多。

實地參觀位於南波士頓的房產投資項目. Site visits the real estate investment projects in South Bosto这篇文章是在2012年8月25日 C4新聞版刊登。请访问:

 香港電視廣播有限公司首席编辑和制片人许美莲一行三人, 2012年 8月9日专成来到美亚商旅集团-波士顿总部,采访陈艺平(Patty Chen) 和报道美亚商旅集团波士顿 PattyC Property Group 关于房产投资和服务. 

香港电视廣播公司(TVB)报道美亚商旅集团波士顿房产投资 (中文视频http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDkxNTI3NjE2.html
實地參觀位於南波士頓的房產投資項目. Site visits the real estate investment projects in South Boston.
胡润百富专访和报道了美亚商旅波士顿 PattyC关于房产投资美国著名大学夏季班的成就和服务项目,并刊登在5月2012 国内国际著名杂志之一《胡润百富》房地产专访栏 和 刊登在4月2012胡润百富高端品牌杂志《美国名校指南》专访栏.
實地參觀位於南波士頓的房產投資項目. Site visits the real estate investment projects in South Boston.

Aug. 9th, 2012 Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) Came Wellesley MA to Interview with Patty Chen about Real Estate Investment

2012年 8月9日, 香港電視廣播有限公司专访陈艺平关于房产投资

Producer and Chief Editor, Meilin Hui from Hong Kong Television Broadcasts Limited traveled to Boston on August 9 to interview Patty Chen, President of AABT-Boston and PattyC Property Group. After visiting the homes of the new Immigrants who have moved to the Boston area, they reported on AABT-Boston’s and PattyC Property Group’s achievements and services in real estate investment. For more detailed information please tune in to TVB Finance report Oct. 2012 .

香港電視廣播有限公司首席编辑和制片人许美莲一行三人, 2012年 8月9日专成来到美亚商旅集团-波士顿总部,采访陈艺平(Patty Chen) 总裁和报道美亚商旅集团波士顿 PattyC Property Group 关于房产投资和服务, 并且访问了新移民搬到波士顿地区的新宅。 请观看2012年 10月 TVB 财经报道。


香港电视廣播公司(TVB)报道美亚商旅集团波士顿房产投资 (中文视频)http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDkxNTI3NjE2.html


Hong Kong TVB Interviewed with PattyC Property Group (English video)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ik5oVoARL3U


EB5新移民波士顿地区的新宅 EB5 Immigrator new home in Boston area.


TVB interviewed Patty Chen at her conference room. TVB 在陈艺平的会议室采访
TVB interviewed Patty Chen at her conference room. TVB 在陈艺平的会议室采访


TVB interviewed Patty Chen at her office. TVB 在陈艺平的办公室采访她
TVB interviewed Patty Chen at her office. TVB 在陈艺平的办公室采访她


July 2012, For the 3rd year, we helped Chinese students to Boston Tufts University 2012 Summer School

2012年 7月,本公司已经是第3年帮助中国学生来美国波士顿Tufts University 塔夫茨大学上英语暑期班

美亚商旅波士顿和美国大学Tufts 塔夫茨大学夏季班 (第3届暑期班视频

Patty Chen with students inTufts 陈艺平与到塔夫茨大学的学生
Patty Chen with Tufts’s director 陈艺平与塔夫茨大学总监

June 2012, Assisting you in coming to the US is our duty

          2012年 6月, 协助您来美国是我们的职责

To provide personalized and an excellent full-service experience for Chinese people who are coming to the United States. We enable Chinese people to take usage of every minute in the United States to obtain the most of business opportunities and the highest level of enjoyment.


May 2012, Hurun Report & PattyC Property Group as strategic partners for all services

2012年 5月, 胡润百富总裁吕能幸来到波士顿访问美亚商旅房产投资胡润百富和美亚商旅波士顿作为战略伙伴全面合作服务

L: Sinclair Lu, Joe Fallon and Patty Chen at Fan Pier
Sinclair Lu, Patty Chen, Joe Fallon at Mr. Fallon’s office









Hurun Report has worked with PattyC together as strategic partner to help  Chinese build a bridge of connection with  American to efficient interactively respond the demands from Chinese not only for business relations development but also personal.

Sinclair Lu, the president of Hurun Report first time came Boston at May 9th, 2012. He and  Patty Chen made a strategic plan to serve Chinese better in US. Mr. Lu also met three big real estate developers for real estate projects at Boston of MA, with Joe Fallon, President of The Fallon Company for 2.9 million SF mixed-use Fan Pier Boston Waterfront Development project  including Hotel,  Retail,  Office, and Residential luxury houses; Kirk Sykes, president of New Boston’s Urban Strategy America Fund and Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Board; David Zussman, CEO and Chairman of Boston Development Group for 230 rental units and a 210 unit Marriott hotel, and so on.

at a Boston construction site with Kirk Sykes



at David Zussman’s office

March 2012, Hurun Wealth Report Interviewed PattyC Property Group

2012年 3月,胡润百富专访


Inline image 1

Hurun Report has interviewed and published PattyC Group’s achievements and services in the areas of  Real Estate Investment and Serving Chinese Students in the US. The two full pages of the special reports are being published in the May 2012 issue of Hurun Report Magazine and in the April 2012 issue of Best of US Education Magazine.

Hurun Report, founded the China Rich List, is a leading luxury publishing and event group, comprising of magazines and active events. The businesses target at China’s high net worth individuals. “People often aren’t considered truly rich until anointed by Hurun Report…” by Wall Street Journal, Jan 2008

胡润百富专访和报道了美亚商旅波士顿 PattyC, 关于美国著名大学夏季班,房产投资和服务项目.并刊登在52012 国内国际著名杂志之一《胡润百富房地产专访栏 和 刊登在4月2012胡润百富高端品牌杂志《美国名校指南专访栏. www.Hurun.net   

 胡润百富以一个更了解中国富豪,更能体现中国富豪财富品质的公司, 见证企业家从善于创造财富,逐渐懂得如何运用财富引领由富及贵的格调。胡润百富关注中国高端人群的财富品质和生活格调,包括艺术品收藏、慈善事业、奢华旅游目的地,和海外留学教育等信息,以及推荐介绍各类新贵生活方式。胡润富豪榜在国内国际认可度最高.

Hurun Wealth Report Interview with Patty Chen

– Working with Passion

AABT-Boston Group’s business is very broad,including real estate, education, and business travel. However, according to PattyC Property Group CEO Patty Chen, she did  just one thing – providing a full range of personalized services for Chinese people staying in the United States. Due to the love of the real estate industry, Patty Chen left her job as a biological scientist to found PattyC Property Company. Due to the customer’s trust and needs, she entered the field of education. She does not consider herself doing “Business”, because what she has done are based on her passion and sense of mission.

Q: AABT has done many creative businesses: the first company to promote Chinese and American entrepreneurs’ cooperation, the first company to provide the best services in real estate investment and the field of education and so on. Why did you help more Chinese people enter the “recognize the U.S. ”market? What’s your originalintention of the company when you founded this company?

A: In fact, when we founded PattyC Property real estate investment group in 2001, the main job wasreal estate procurement and investment. In 2007, many Chinese found me and asked my help either to let their children study in the U.S., or purchase real estate- for living, orinvesting. They said that now that you provide us real estate service, can you also provide service for our children education as well? For this reason, in 2007 we founded the AABTGroup, which included real estate investment, education, and commercial tours, etc., to provide an excellent “one-stop” service for the Chinese people who stay or want to stay in the United States.


Q: Since AABT was founded in 2007, it has been five years. Did you have any cases that made you feel most proud in the past five years?

A: I think the most successful business we have done is still in real estate investment, green card, etc.related projects. While talking about this process, Thing thing that makes me the proudest is that I win many families’ trust. For example, if a Chinese family decide moving to the United States, 60% will look for about 3 or 4 service companies. After contacting us, from real estate purchase, their children’s education, or even business investment, they will only look to us for us for counseling and provision of services. Based on this trust, we do not treat this as a profitable business, but as a way to complete our mission. I have a high quality life in the United States, but as a Chinese, I also hope that other people can come here to enjoy this high quality life as I do. Chinese entrepreneurs, on the other hand, will bring money to the United States, and invest local business and other commercial activities to promote China-US economic interaction. These two areas make me feel that I am actually doing a noble thing.


Q: In terms of the Chinese students your have contacted with, which part of United States, or American Education attracts them most?

A: As far as I know, they think American education style will let them have more space to develop their own interests and potential. Unlike Chinese education, which the purpose to study is to study, not for their interests or their future like it is here in the USA.


Q: There are many student agencies that organize US travel, that include U.S. summer camp, campus visiting and other services. Compared to them, where do you think the strengths of AABT-Boston in education area?

A: I think the quality is the main differences. As far as I know, with some Chinese travel agencies one visit can bring more than 1000 people, but in their program, the children don’t get what they want. But our program will make kids reluctant to leave. We intertwine Chinese and American students in learning atmospheres and accommodations, after a while, the Chinese students can speak English with the American students! Moreover, our visit to Universities is not simply to visit the campus, but to also learn from experienced teachers how to apply to it. After the summer camp, we will issue graduation certificates to students, which is a valid certificate for them to apply for U.S. schools. Finally, it is worth mentioning that, our cost is not high, one day is less than 200 dollars, including all the costs, accommodation, transport, curricular activities fees, and insurance in the United States. This inexpensive and high quality visit/study for parents and their children is a worthwhile investment.


Q:  AABT covers investment, real estate, education, business, travel, etc., in the near future, will it explore and develop all these fields or focus on a particular area? Why?

A:  AABT will still emphasize on the part of the real estate investment, because this part is what we have done best. The reason we are good at it is not only because we have skills in the industry, but because we have the inner passion to do it. The company’s development must be closely linked with the positioning of the boss, the boss determines the direction of the company. Real estate is where my company and I can express out creativity the most which is why this is the part I enjoy most.

Feb. 2012, 1000 People Celebrate The Chinese New Year in Boston

2012年 2月,波士顿中国城千人春节联欢晚会

(Jia Hu edited 胡佳稿)

with Boston Mayor -Tom Menino. 与波士頓市長

On Feb. 4th, A Chinese Organization of New England organized a big banquet with 1000 people to Celebrate the 2012 Spring Festival. Many government officials, including Mayor of Boston,  Tom Menino、Congressman Michael Capuano、Stephen Grossman、Elizabeth Warren、Aaron Michlewitz、Bill Linehan、Donald Wong、Senator Anthony Petruccelli、Senator Sonia Chang Diaz、Transportation Minister Richard Davey, joined the banquet and gave their best wishes to China and the Chinese people who live in the New England area. Many Chen family members, including President Frank Chen and Ziyuan Chen gave short speeches. Other successful business people including the President of PattyC Property Group, Patty Chen, were also invited to join the banquet to celebrate the Spring Festival. At the party, Mayor of Boston, Thomas Menino, had a conversation with Patty Chen, and he is very interested, and supportive of our company bringing Chinese investors to Boston for real estate investments.

2月4日,纽英仑至孝笃亲公所举行了盛大春节联欢晚会, 分別在中國城『喜臨門大酒樓』及『龍鳳大酒樓』同步舉行慶典,兩大酒樓共招待了上千嘉賓及陳胡袁三姓宗親,筵開100席。邀请了很多政要,包括波士頓市長Thomas Menino、現任教哈佛大學並參選聯邦參議員之Elizabeth Warren教授、麻州財政廳長Steve Grossman、參議員Sonia Chang Diaz、眾議員黃子安及Aaron Michlewitz等政要均應邀致詞賀年。陈氏大家族,包括长老陳毓禮和陳毓璇. 一些成功商业人士出席并表达了祝福, 包括派蒂克房地产集团总裁陈艺平 也应邀参加并一同庆祝新年。在晚会上,波士頓市長Thomas Menino与总裁陈艺平交谈,对我们公司带来中国投资者到波士顿来投资房地产 表示非常感兴趣和支持。

     with Uncle Frank Chen,  与陳毓禮

Elizabeth Warren and her husband Bruce Mann in the event 伊丽莎白·沃伦 和她的丈夫布鲁斯·曼

Nov.2011,Patty Chen’s Conversation with the Director of USCIS for EB5 investment immigration


(Jia Hu edited 胡佳稿)

Recently, the president Patty Chen had joined three conversations meeting  about the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program with the Director of USCIS, Alejandro Mayorkas, who has done an excellent job of highlighting the importance of the EB-5 visa program in a fast pace, and senior members of the USCIS leadership team. These conversations demonstrated USCIS had made important progress to EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program. It lets USCIS hear more voices from investors and make improvements, also lets our company, as a investor representative, have a chance to state the concerns to USCIS directly.  

The first conversation was in the middle of September, 2011, focusing on economic development in the context of the EB-5 (Immigrant Investor) program. They also think this kind of small group discussion complemented the existing quarterly EB-5 engagement program. The following day, Patty had another conversation with them, also a more in-depth discussion, about discrete policy issues related to the EB-5 program. At the last conversation, President Patty asked Alejandro why USCIS decided to accelerate the approving projects to 15 days in Regional centers, and what the influence will be to the existing processing time to EB-5 visa applicants, in particular the time of I-526 petitions. All these questions will have direct impact to the EB-5 investors, either from business decision aspect or from investing aspect.

USCIS Director Alejandro Mayorkas mentioned USCIS has engaged with internal and external stakeholders to learn of their concerns regarding current adjudication policies and practices. USCIS also seeks stakeholder input on these foundational issues before providing greater detail and addressing additional issues. This draft memorandum is a work in progress, and it is shared now to obtain valuable real-time input and to define a collaborative approach with the stakeholder community. The draft memorandum is not operative and will not guide adjudication decisions until it is published in complete and final form. Current policy memoranda continue to guide our adjudications.In response to the stakeholders input, USCIS had announced the adjudication process reforms, including:

  • The introduction of direct e-mail contact between the Regional Center petitioners and the USCIS adjudication team. This reform already has been instituted;
  • The introduction of accelerated process and premium processing for certain applicants and petitions;
  • The use of an expert Decision Board to assist adjudicators in rendering final adjudications on Regional Center petitions;
  • Hired economists with business analysis expertise to help guide and support the USCIS adjudication team;
  • Hired a consulting firm to help further reengineer the EB-5 adjudication process to deliver greater efficiencies.
近日,美亞商旅集團(PattyC Property Group)總裁陳藝平女士参加了与移民局局长亚历杭德罗(Alejandro Mayorkas )和移民局 (USCIS)领导班子的高级成员关于EB – 5投资移民计划对话会议。这是USCIS对现有EB-5项目的重要改进,移民局更清楚投资人的要求和处境。同时也给了美亞商旅集團一个机会,表达投资人的观点和担忧。移民局局长Alejandro Mayorkas本人对加速EB – 5签证计划做出了杰出的工作。

第一次谈话发生在2011年9月中,主要集中讨论EB – 5投资移民计划所处的大经济环境。同时双方都认为这种能与投资人进行直接对话补充了现在3个月才一次的参与计划。第二天,与移民局局长又进行了一次更深入的对话,主要就EB – 5计划相关的具体政策问题进行了讨论。最后一次谈话是 在11月9日,帕蒂向移民局局长提出她的疑问,移民局怎么样尽快实行15天加快审批区域中心的项目,以及对现在EB – 5 (條件綠卡)签证申请处理时间的影响,尤其是I – 526处理时间的影响。因为这些都将直接影响到投资申请人的决定,不管是从商业决策的角度还是投资的角度来说。


•聘请了一家咨询公司,以帮助进一步重新设计EB – 5评审过程来提高效率。

移民局还将进行其他的改革。同时移民局审查了各种目前EB – 5政策,并决定将所有的备忘录合并成一个总体政策备忘录,而且备忘录将吸取利益相关者的建设性意见并反映之前颁布的各种备忘录的经验教训。由于问题的大数量和复杂性,移民局将使用不断更新的方式来做这个单一的EB – 5政策备忘录,靠不断征求意见来保证政策备忘录草案的前进。

Oct.12th, 2011, Patty Chen was invited to talk at NEU & Boston College & Northeastern Univ.

10月12日2011, 陈艺平应邀到东北大学和波士顿学院演讲

(Jia Hu edited 胡佳稿)


On March 29th, Patty Chen had been invited to Northeastern University,  On Oct 12th, Patty Chen was also invited to give a presentation by Boston College Chinese Students and Scholars Association. After a brief introduction by the CSSA host, Patty talked about her life and career in the US. The first topic was about how students stay temporarily or permanently in the USA in terms of visas and jobs. Patty also talked about how students are involved deeply in the USA society in terms of language and culture. In the end, Patty spoke about credit card use, car use and real estate purchasing and investments in US. The students were very satisfied with all the questions that had been answered. Patty had also given some gifts to the students. The speech ended with a warm applause.


继3月29日应邀在东北大学中国学生学者联谊会演讲后,10月12日,陈艺平(Patty Chen)又应邀到波士顿学院中国学生学者联谊会演讲。在主持人简要介绍Patty后,她开始谈论美国的生活和职业生涯。Patty谈论的第一个主题是关于新生如何暂时或永久留在美国的签证和工作方面的问题。Patty还谈到如何在语言和文化方面融入美国社会。第三个主题是关于在美国如何使用信用卡,购买汽车,购买房地产以及在美国投资。学生们非常满意Patty 解答了所有的问题。Patty 还给学生发放了礼品。最后大家以热烈的掌声结束了Patty的这次演说。

Sept. 27th 2011, Boston’s Real Estate Developers with Mayor Menino

2011年 9月27日,波士顿市长曼宁诺与房地产开发商

(Jia Hu edited 胡佳稿)


1) Boston Mayor-Thomas Menino 波士顿市长曼宁诺


2) Patty Chen with John E. Drew, President of The Drew Company

Sept. 27th, at  the NOIAP’s meeting-Windows on the Waterfront, which was about real estate projects in the new “Innovation District” in Boston’s Seaport District, our company’s  President, Patty Chen introduced the Investment Program to Boston’s real estate developers of the “Innovation District”.   David Manfredi, a founder of Elkus Manfredi Architects, described the “promise” of this new district as: a vibrant, new mixed use neighborhood; a neighborhood driven by innovation; a place to live, work, play, shop, dine, learn and visit. At the event, Mayor Menino wanted, and now sees forming, a 24-hour, mixed use area that will attract both families and entrepreneurs. Seaport Place is a developed building with 1 million sq. ft. of office space and a full service hotel, another 600,000 sq. ft. came along with Manulife’s headquarters, and  after a few years of waiting, Joe Fallon built the first office building on Fan Pier, a speculative 526,000 sq. ft. tower at One Marina Park Drive.


9月27日,陈艺平(Patty Chen)在NOIAP波士顿海滨窗口的会议,这是关于波士顿海港一个新的创新区房地产建设项目。我公司总裁陈艺平(Patty Chen)向创新区的开发商介绍了中国投资。Elkus Manfredi的创始人大卫曼弗雷迪(David Manfredi),描述了对这个新地区的“承诺”:一个充满活力,新混合使用的邻里;以邻里为目的的创新项目;一个集工作,玩乐,购物,用餐,学习和访问的地方。在活动中,市长曼宁诺(Menino)表明,他希望这个24小时混合使用区将吸引各类家庭和企业家。海港广场已开发100万平方英尺的办公空间和全方位服务的酒店。还有宏利总部(Manulife)的60万平方英尺。几年之后,乔伦(Joe Fallon)建了风扇码头上的第一个办公楼,并在滨海公园径上建了和一个占地526000平方英尺的塔。

3) Boston’s Developers At NAIOP meeting. L: John E. Drew, President of The Drew Company; Stephen Karp, chairman of New England Development; John P. Fowler, Director of HFF; David Manfredi, Partner of Elkus Manfredi Architects Ltd; Charles D. Reid, Vice President of Boston Global Investors, LLC; Edward G. Nardi, President of Cresset Group


Boston Hub developers going with apartments


A top Bay State developer said he’s not convinced that new condos will ever be built again in downtown Boston, especially since everyone is switching over to apartment towers in the wake of the luxury real estate market collapse.

“I assumed our 21-story residential building would be condominiums,” said Stephen Karp, chairman of New England Development, who expects to break ground on the Northern Avenue project at Pier 4 next spring. “But that market has changed so much over the past few years … we don’t think it will come back for a long time, and we don’t know if it will ever come back.”

Karp — who made his remarks to a packed meeting of the commercial real estate group NAIOP at the Renaissance Hotel yesterday — joined a panel of Seaport developers cheering the successes of Boston’s rejuvenated waterfront with a host of new restaurants and offices. But the enthusiasm was tempered with the realization that waterfront condos will have to wait.

Charles Reid, executive vice president of Boston Global Investors, the Boston-based group that expects to start construction next year on Seaport Square, a 6.5 million-square-foot, mixed-use development including residences, offices and retail shops, said the market is not ready for new condominiums. “The biggest four-letter word — beside bank — is condo,” Reid told the Herald. “No lender will finance condominiums right now. Our first phase will be 1,100 apartments.”

Developers say the glut of luxury units and sluggish sales have kept lenders at bay. Three major luxury projects in the downtown have struggled to sell out their buildings. The W Hotel & Residences on Stuart Street has sold just 46 of 123 units, the nearby Clarendon, closed on 66 of 107 units while 45 Province in Downtown Crossing has 44 of 150 units sold, according to the Warren Group.

John Drew, president of the Drew Co., who is planning a 2012 ground-breaking for Waterside Place — which includes a supermarket and 236 residential units across from the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center — said he switched the project from condos to apartments due to market changes.

But Drew said condos could be a part of future development. “Right now, there’s no interest by lenders in projects with hundreds of condos,” he said. “But the markets run in cycles and at some point, they will be back in favor.”




波士顿环球投资执行副总裁查尔斯里德预计明年启动建设海港广场计划,一个650万平方英尺,包括住宅,写字楼及零售店铺的项目。他同时表示市场还没准备好迎接新的共管公寓。里德告诉导报“:”最大的四个字母的单词 – 除了银行(bank) – 是共管公寓(condo)。 “现在没有人会贷款给共管公寓。我们将在第一阶段建1100公寓。“


德鲁有限公司的总裁约翰德鲁,计划2012年开始海湾广场项目,其中包括从波士顿会展中心对面的一家超市和236个住宅单位。 他说由于市场的变化,他选择了公寓套房而不是共管公寓。

但是德鲁说共管公寓可能是未来发展的一部分。 “现在,贷款人对有数百个公寓的项目一点兴趣也没有”他说。 “但是市场运行都有周期,将来的某天,共管公寓会重新得到人们的喜爱。”

Sep.2nd 2011, Meeting with the Director Peter Meade of BRA at Boston City

2011年 9月2日, 与波士顿重建局主任彼得米德在波士顿市举行会议

(Ken C. edited Ken C.稿)

On September 2nd, 2011 Patty, Sally (advisor), Steve (advisor), and Kenneth of the PattyC Property Group met with the Boston Redevelopment Authority’s (BRA) Director Peter Meade and his Chief of Staff, James Tierney at Boston City Hall. Patty Chen introduced the company PattyC Property Group and explained the  investment projects and how we could help in future developments. Mr. Meade mentioned some projects that we could work together with including the redevelopments of South Boston.

2011年9月2日,(PCPG)派蒂克房地产集团 (PattyC Property Group) 陈艺平(Patty ),莎莉(Sally),史蒂夫(Steve),和锺进财(Kenneth)在波士顿市政厅会见了波士顿重建局(BRA)总监彼得米德(Peter Meade)和他的参谋长詹姆斯蒂尔尼(James Tierney)。陈艺平介绍了PCPG及其正在进行的投资项目,同时还介绍了PCPG在将来能够帮助波士顿发展的重要作用。米德先生提出将来有机会会和PCPG合作一些项目,比如南波士顿地区的重建工作。

                                from left: Sally, Peter Meade, Patty, Steve,  Kenneth

August 24th, 2011 Design and Building for the Lake Front Property

2011年 8月,房产湖滨物业未来的设计和建设


from R: Nader T. Dean of MIT; Doreve N. owner of Nicholaef Architecture firm;  Patty Chen,president PattyC Property; property developer ;  Lorne McDougall, Lawyer of EAPD LLP
从右 :麻省理工学院建筑设计院主任纳德据特哈尼(Nader Tehrani); 尼克拉夫建设计公司的 老板 一夫尼克拉夫(Doreve Nicholaeff); 总裁陈艺平, 公司开发商; 律师事务所的合伙人洛恩麦克杜格尔

 (Jia Hu edited 胡佳稿)

On August 24th, 2011 at the headquarters office of the PattyC Property Group, the president Patty Chen had a meeting with the developer of the Ohio Property; Dean of the Department of Architectural Design at Dean of MIT, Nader Tehrani; owner of Nicholaeff Architecture Firm, Doreve Nicholaeff, and partner of law firm Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge LLP, Lorne McDougall. They all provided design and building ideas for the future development of the Lake front property.

2011年8月24日,在美亚商旅集团PCPG总部办公室,总裁陈艺平会见了资产公司开发商, 麻省理工学院建筑设计院主任纳德据特哈尼(Nader Tehrani), 尼克拉夫建筑公司的 老板 一夫尼克拉夫(Doreve Nicholaeff),和Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge LPP律师事务所的合伙人洛恩麦克杜格尔(Lorne McDougall)。他们就将来湖滨产业的发展提供了设计和建设的思路。

August 2011, Visited Real Estate Investment Projects at Ohio; joined Chicago Leadership Summit

2011年 8月,到俄亥俄州查看房地产项目; 参加芝加哥5万人领导高峰会议

PattyC Property Group visited the site of their possible investment project. This is intended to be a 4 season mixed use resort community located in Ohio by a Lake.


July 2011, for 2nd year, we help Chinese students to Boston Tufts University 2011 Summer English School

2011年 7月,本公司已经是第2年帮助中国学生来美国波士顿Tufts University 塔夫茨大学上英语暑期班

AABT-Boston brought Chinese students to Tufts University for the English Program stretching from July 17th to August 13th. The students were very happy and learned a lot from this one month program which included activities such as visiting Boston’s famous attractions (The Freedom Trail, JFK Library and Museum, the Museum of Science, New England Aquarium, and Fenway Park) and allowing them to travel to America’s finest cities including New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. Some student’s parents also came to Boston to go sightseeing with them.

2011 年7月17日至8月13日,美亚商旅集团-波士顿(AABT-Boston) 带来中国学生参加了塔夫茨大学英语暑期课程。有些学生家长也一同来到了波士顿。 与其它各国学生在一起,中国学生非常乐意寓教于乐的学习英语强化课程和参加下午的精华景点活动,如访问波士顿的自由足迹,肯尼迪图书馆和博物馆,科学博物馆,新英格兰水族馆,以及芬威公园著名景点,并前往美国最好的城市游览,包括纽约市,费城和华盛顿特区。 中国学生都说收获非常大, 只觉得一个月过的太快了。